*Important: this is not a live course, you are purchasing the recording of 1 course held in October 2021 on our Patreon.
In this 3-hour-and-a-half recorded online course, we deal with Herbalism in relation to Funerary Practices. We talk about its history, principles, elements, and the symbolism behind Funerary Ceremonies.
When you purchase this course you will receive an e-mail with a link to download a *.pdf file containing:
— Link to the recording of the three-hours-and-a-half length video with the contents of the course.
— Link to download 1 slide presentation with all the resources and bibliography of the course.
The Land in Slumber PART 2
Accompanying the Dead: Funerary Plants
In this course, we shall talk about the rituals and ceremonies in which we bid farewell to those who are no longer in this world (be they persons, thoughts, habits, relationships, etc), and rituals of remembrance as well.
You will receive an email containing a link that allows you to download the pdf file with all the contents of the course. Check your spam folder! If you have problems with the download, please contact us at occvlta@gmail.com.
* DISCLAIMER: Use this material at your own risk. Occvlta is not responsible for any use derived from the information provided in the course, its teaching materials, and its recordings. Nor for any damages resulting from following the course and the suggested activities.